What is an intergalactic identity?
It is a string with a special format derived from a secure hash of content that you make up about yourself.
You may use this identity anywhere that accepts it which means other website and concerns.
How this site uses your intergalactic identity:
- This website associates your intergalactic identity with responses to your messages (e.g contact).
You may return to this site to retrieve responses to your messages.
You may use your intergalactic identity to start a session with this site (i.e. login).
Your personal information will not be stored on our servers.
Your personal information will not be tied to our domain within your browser storage.
Instead... your personal information will be associated with a virtual URL tied to your identity.
You will be given a personal URL framework page
The links here can help lead you to tools that help open pages within your URL framework page enabling you to
work with your personal preferences within those pages.
The pages you open may use personal data by asking your framework page to make requests on their behalf.
For example, an e-commerce page
will not ask you for your credit card number, but will ask your personal page to carry out a transaction its behalf.
You will have complete control over your personal URL framework page. But, you can maintain it in any way you see fit.
Basically, your personal data will be stored in one place and never leave your browser unless you say so. You will not login to this site, but you may allow the
site to log into you - by starting a sessions. The session merely knows you are there and does not ask to know too much about you.
Follow this link to create your intergalactic identity